
Research at the Department of Psychology: Innovation, Collaboration, Publication.

The Department of Psychology at LMU is one of the most research-intensive and prolific institutes in Germany. This is demonstrated, firstly, by the numerous third-party funded projects conducted by the department's researchers; secondly, by the many national and international research networks led or coordinated by the department's researchers; and, thirdly, by the department's excellent research infrastructure.

Funded Research Projects & Research Networks

The department is part of the German Center for Mental Health (DZPG), funded by the BMBF, with locations in Munich-Augsburg, Bochum-Marburg, Berlin-Potsdam, Halle-Jena-Magdeburg, Mannheim-Heidelberg-Ulm, and Tübingen. As one of eight German Centers for Health Research, the DZPG aims to improve the mental health of the population and reduce the stigma associated with mental disorders. To achieve this, researchers work together with affected individuals and relatives, as well as with international scientists. Together, they research new methods for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders.

At the Department of Psychology, Prof. Dr. Thomas Ehring (Chair in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy), Prof. Dr. Katja Bertsch (now the University of Würzburg), and Prof. Dr. Markus Bühner (Chair in Psychological Methodology and Assessment) represent the DZPG as Principal Investigators and lead the MUC 1 project (Effects of early traumatic experiences on the development, phenotype, and course of mental disorders, and the development of individualized interventions). Subprojects focus on recording and treating interactional problems following early trauma, as well as the development of innovative diagnostic methods supported by mobile sensing.

At the Munich-Augsburg site, the Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the LMU Klinikum, the Max-Planck-Institute for Psychiatry, the Technical University of Munich, the Helmholtz Center, and the University of Augsburg are also involved in the DZPG.

Visit the DZPG website

A joint project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung - BMBF), coordinated by the Department of Psychology at LMU

KoKon pursues the goal of improving digital school development at general and vocational schools through cooperation within the framework of school organization, development of digital teaching and promotion of digital competencies of teachers. KoKon stands out by producing practical transfer products alongside academic research. These so-called transfer products include evidence-based, practice-relevant training modules, consulting concepts derived from school portraits and an online tool called DigCompEdu Observe on, which, based on the European framework DigCompEdu, systematically promotes digital competencies of teachers, individually or cooperatively. All products should also be made available and usable by teachers beyond the project period.

KoKon Website

The „Learning4Kids“ project analyses the potential of digital learning applications (apps) for the support of kindergarten children’s linguistic and mathematical competencies. Altogether, 500 children and their families participate in this project and families in the intervention group receive tablets with high-quality learning apps, developed by our team. The total study duration is four years and encompasses the transition into primary school.


DFG-funded | Priority Program

META-REP is a meta-scientific program for the analysis and optimization of replicability in the behavioral, social and cognitive sciences.


DFG-funded | Emmy-Noether-Group

The project investigates the psychological mechanisms underlying self-controlled behaviour, their neural implementation, and how they contribute to impulsive decision-making in substance dependence.


DFG-funded | Priority Program

The DFG Priority Program The Active Self is an interdisciplinary group that brings together scholars from developmental psychology, cognitive sciences, robotics, and related fields to investigate the nature of the minimal self. The minimal self refers to, for example, the immediate experience of one’s own agency when performing actions and the perception of one’s own body. The goal is to understand self-construction mechanisms and the role of sensorimotor experiences.

zu The Active Self

Open Science

Bookshelves in the Philologicum

The researchers in the department adhere to the highest standards in their work, which includes methodological transparency and openness in alignment with the principles of ‘Open Science,’ as well as an ethically impeccable approach in accordance with the Ethics Committee.

The department co-operates closely with the LMU Open Science Center to guarantee high standards of open and transparent research. The Department management has also implemented a number of Measures to Promote 'Open Science' as part of various initiatives.

The department's Open Science Officer is responsible for further promoting Open Science at the department.

Research Infrastructure

Laboratory Network: ASPEKT

The DFG-funded Laboratory Network ASPEKT was established as a joint project between the Department of Psychology and the Munich Center of the Learning Sciences. Our laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and are located across various research units within the department.

  • EEKIP-Lab
  • SkiLL-Lab
  • FEEL-Lab
  • EVEnT-Lab
  • More Labs

see details


Study and Course Credit Management Tool: SONA is a cloud-based online system for organizing studies and participating in studies. SONA is also the only way for students to collect trial subject hours.


The 3T MRI scanner provides impressive insights into human brain structure and function. It allows for the analysis of brain activity and structures, elucidating the complex connections between brain function and behavior on a neuronal level.


Scientists at the LMU have the opportunity to obtain advice on the appropriate and well-founded development and evaluation of measurement, assessment and test procedures, behavioral observations and surveys at the Chair of Psychological Methodology and Diagnostics in the TestLab.

Cooperation & funding